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A mixed-use development spanning 115 acres in Leander, Texas. It is situated in Williamson County, at the intersection of Hwy 183 and 183A, approximately 26 miles north of downtown Austin. 

The project includes the planning and design of 300,000 sq. ft. of retail space, 700,000+ sq. ft. of office space, 150,000 sq. ft. of hotel space, 2,000 apartments, 300 townhomes, and various community amenities such as a town square, parks, and civic spaces with water features, playgrounds, and trails. 

As the civil engineer for the Northline project, my responsibilities included land subdivision, entitlement, permitting, and engineering design for this new urban infill project in rural Leander. 

The first phase of the project involved the design, permitting, and construction of approximately 7,600 LF of new roadways, 6,000 LF of sewer lines, 7,500 LF of water mains, 7,500 LF of reclaimed water lines, 6,500 LF of gas and electric utilities, and extensive drainage improvements. These drainage improvements included mass grading across ±89 acres, two wet ponds for water quality, temporary drainage channels, and stormwater drainage lines totaling approximately 16,700 LF. 

Additionally, as the master development engineer, I prepared several pad lots for future development and collaborated with multiple firms as they sought to develop lots and blocks within the North development. 

Completed design while at previous firm.

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